Using a Facebook account and Google+ are also another way to promote the web. Especially Google+ when you post something, it automatically indexed by Google Search Engine so if you link that to your website then it could increase your website popularity as well for free.
I now also learning about internet marketing and found some affiliate programs which are interesting. I would also recommend you visit my new website here ChalisHomeBiz.Com. You will find many useful articles about internet marketing as well as profitable affiliate programs that you may consider to participate. Helfia Nil Chalis ChalisHomeBiz.Com Mencari uang di internet
![]() Apa itu Domain dan Hosting? Suatu alamat website di internet sebenarnya berupa angka-angka. Orang sulit mengingat angka-angka yang panjang untuk membuka sebuah website sehingga angka-angka ini diberi nama untuk memudahkan mengingat dan menggunakannya. Nama inilah, yang bisa diibaratkan sebagai alamat rumah, disebut "domain". Jadi domain adalah nama alamat internet dari website anda. Domain adalah pengganti angka-angka alamat internet agar mudah diingat orang. Domain biasanya singkat dan menggambarkan tema website. Memiliki domain saja belum bisa membuat website anda online. Mengapa? Serupa dengan di dunia nyata, domain hanyalah seperti alamat rumah. Meskipun kita memiliki sebuah alamat, belum tentu di lokasi itu ada tanah dan bangunan rumahnya. Anda harus memiliki tanah dan membangun rumahnya. Memiliki tanah adalah seperti memiliki "host server" dalam dunia maya. Host server atau hosting tidak lain adalah komputer yang dijalankan untuk melayani penayangan website anda. Apakah itu sudah cukup? Tentu belum, anda masih perlu membangun rumahnya atau tidak lain dalam hal internet itulah website anda. Betul, anda harus membangun website anda.
Membangun website mudah dengan Website Editor kami. Kami menyediakan segala sesuatu yang anda perlukan untuk membangun website anda dengan gratis. Anda bebas berkreasi membangun website idaman anda dengan Website Editor kami yang sangat mudah digunakan dan sangat user friendly. Andapun bebas merancang "rumah" anda dan mengganti rancangannya setiap saat dengan gratis sampai anda merasa puas dengan hasilnya. Setelah website anda siap, anda perlu menyewa "tanah" alias hosting. Jadi sederhananya: domain --> alamat hosting --> tanah website --> rumah Dengan demikian proses untuk go online di internet tak ubahnya dengan proses membangun rumah. Dimulai dari membuat rancangan website anda yang dalam hal ini anda bisa menggunakan jasa kami dengan GreatWebPortal. Anda bisa melihat website yang anda rancang sebelum diterbitkan dan menggantinya sesuka anda sampai anda puas dengan hasilnya. Setelah memiliki rancangan website, anda perlu menyewa tanah alias menyewa "hosting". Kami menyediakan pelayanan sewa "hosting" yang bisa anda bayar bulanan. Anda tidak perlu membeli domain karena kami sudah menyediakannya. Tetapi kalau anda menginginkan domain sendiri anda juga dapat membeli domain dari kami. Membuat website anda go online sederhananya adalah mengkaitkan domain anda dengan host server yang menjalankan website anda yang sudah anda buat. Proses ini dilakukan dengan mengubah DNS (Domain Name Server) dari domain anda ke nomor IP komputer yang menjalankan host server website anda. Selamat bertualang di dunia online dan mencari uang di internet. Helfia Nil Chalis, ChalisHomeBiz.Com Mencari uang di internet ![]() Domain and Hosting: A website address in internet is really represented in numbers. People have difficulty memorizing long numbers just for opening a website therefore, these numbers are replaced with a name which is called "domain". Domain is like home address. So, domain is the internet address of your website. Domain is a replacement of internet address numbers to help people easy to remember and use them. Domain is usually short and resembles the theme or topic of the website. Own a domain only will not enable your website to go online. Why? Just like in the real world, domain is like a home address. Although we have a home address, not necessarily we have the land and the house. We have to own or rent the land and build or rent the house. Owning a land is just like owning a host server in internet. Host server or hosting is nothing else than a computer which is operated to run and serve your website to go online. Is this enough to go online yet? Of course not. You still need to build the house or in internet world it is your website design. Yes, that is right. You need to build your website.
Creating a website is very easy using our Website Editor. We provide all you need to build your website for free. You are free to experiment with your dream website using our Website Editor which very easy to use and very user friendly. You are free to design your "house" and change the design at any time freely until you really satisfy with the result. When you have your website design ready, you will need to rent the land or hosting. In short, three things are required to make your website go online: domain --> address hosting --> land website --> house Ready to Go Online: We can conclude that the process for going online in internet is similar to the process for building a house. Start by designing your website in which we provide you a service for free by visiting GreatWebPortal. You can preview your website which you are creating before being published and change the design as you like anytime until you are satisfactory with the result. After you have your website designed properly, you need to rent a land or in other word to rent a host server or hosting. You can rent host server with us which we charge on monthly basis. You do not need to purchase a domain since we already provided one for you. However, if you need a certain name for your website of course you will need to purchase one. You can purchase a domain from us too. Helfia Nil Chalis ChalisHomeBiz.Com Mencari uang di internet |
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AuthorHelfia Nil Chalis:
April 2024