Domain and Hosting: A website address in internet is really represented in numbers. People have difficulty memorizing long numbers just for opening a website therefore, these numbers are replaced with a name which is called "domain". Domain is like home address. So, domain is the internet address of your website. Domain is a replacement of internet address numbers to help people easy to remember and use them. Domain is usually short and resembles the theme or topic of the website. Own a domain only will not enable your website to go online. Why? Just like in the real world, domain is like a home address. Although we have a home address, not necessarily we have the land and the house. We have to own or rent the land and build or rent the house. Owning a land is just like owning a host server in internet. Host server or hosting is nothing else than a computer which is operated to run and serve your website to go online. Is this enough to go online yet? Of course not. You still need to build the house or in internet world it is your website design. Yes, that is right. You need to build your website.
Creating a website is very easy using our Website Editor. We provide all you need to build your website for free. You are free to experiment with your dream website using our Website Editor which very easy to use and very user friendly. You are free to design your "house" and change the design at any time freely until you really satisfy with the result. When you have your website design ready, you will need to rent the land or hosting. In short, three things are required to make your website go online: domain --> address hosting --> land website --> house Ready to Go Online: We can conclude that the process for going online in internet is similar to the process for building a house. Start by designing your website in which we provide you a service for free by visiting GreatWebPortal. You can preview your website which you are creating before being published and change the design as you like anytime until you are satisfactory with the result. After you have your website designed properly, you need to rent a land or in other word to rent a host server or hosting. You can rent host server with us which we charge on monthly basis. You do not need to purchase a domain since we already provided one for you. However, if you need a certain name for your website of course you will need to purchase one. You can purchase a domain from us too. Helfia Nil Chalis ChalisHomeBiz.Com Mencari uang di internet
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AuthorHelfia Nil Chalis:
April 2024